Take one scientific swain, one dashing lieutenant, one no-nonsense librarian, one adventurous young lady, one very large tomcat, and two mischievous kittens...and what do you have? Two recipes for disaster! Or perhaps for love...
Kisses and Catnip by Grace Burrowes
Max Haddonfield is a man of science, devoted to logic and rational observation. That he also finds homes in libraries for stray cats is merely a sensible exercise in controlling the mouse population...or something.
Antonia Mainwaring is practical to a fault and all but on the shelf. When a certain soft-spoken library patron talks her into allowing a large male feline to bide on the premises, somebody starts purring–and it's not the cat!
Lieutenant Mayhew's Catastrophe by Emily Larkin
When Lieutenant Mayhew boards the stagecoach bound for Southampton he anticipates an uneventful journey. True, he's carrying kittens, but it's only eighty miles. What could possibly go wrong?
He's not expecting to meet the enchanting Miss Willemina Culpepper. Nor is he expecting the kittens to be quite so good at vanishing. Mayhew has faced many challenges in his career as a soldier. Traveling from London to Southampton should not be a challenge. Except that it is.