On a small island near the Florida Keys, Geo Carrera bounces around with his four other friends as they enjoy the island adventures this summer has to offer. Nothing too crazy ever happens in Greenville, besides whatever shenanigans the Crew manages to find for themselves. Life is good, until one day the Crew sees that there is a construction project planned that will destroy the coral reefs along their island's coastline. Always willing to stand up for what they believe in, the Crew decides they will fight for the reefs, whatever it takes.
When a little visit to the City Council doesn't go as well as they'd hoped, the Crew decides they will raise money themselves and spread the word around town about ways they can help the reefs. Lucky for them, the annual Island Fair is coming up. The Crew decides they will use each of their talents and what they know about the reefs to raise money for them at the fair. Savanna, singer and musician, plans to play her instruments at the fair. Penelope, baker and food-lover, bakes her own banana bread with sustainably-sourced ingredients. Jose, athlete and biker, will do bike tricks to encourage the community to bike more instead of drive their cars. Geo and Leo, best friends made better when together, will sell reef-safe sunscreen. Together, they believe they can raise enough to stop the construction and possibly save the reefs.
Meanwhile, there's a New Kid in town, friendly neighbors with sustainability tips in their back pocket, and the rising ocean tide that soars and falls with the Crew's every small victory. Heartfelt and courageous, the Crew shows their community - and the world - that change is possible if we work together.