Lies hurt. Truth kills.
Four years after the tragic suicide of Alice Delgado, eldest daughter of Albuquerque's top racing driver, her younger sister, Lily, is reported missing and two of her peers are found dead. Detective Temeke's investigation leads him to a private boarding school on the Rio Grande where the discovery of occult practices and an ancient book ignite a chain reaction of heartbreaking truths and demonic attacks.
What madness connects these girls to a ruthless killer? Against a background of simmering police tension and mounting victims, detectives Temeke and Santiago are in a desperate race to learn the truth before it's too late.
Past Rites is a dark and gripping novel that challenges heartache and reveals the truths about our hidden demons.
Spread thick with winter chill, Stibbe delivers a richly textured, breathtaking novel that gives us an insight into the dark places of the psyche. Some secrets can never be buried. Litouture Café.
Excellent third novel. Fans of psychological fiction will enjoy Claire Stibbe's original and unnerving portrayal of the darker side of human nature. Dr. Marco Storey, PhD in Narrative Theory & Criticism.
Vividly and believably drawn characters that are the series hallmark. It should be put at the top of every "to be read" pile! Paul Henderson, Crime Fiction New Mexico.
Watch out for more from Detective Temeke and Malin Santiago
1.The 9th Hour
2.Night Eyes
3.Past Rites
What people are saying about Past Rites:
An electrifying new edition to the Stibbe arsenal, Past Rites confronts relationships head on. Temeke comes to understand that he is dealing with a perpetrator who will put him to the test, both professionally and personally and, at the same time, battle the darkest demons in himself. Fast-moving, riveting reading which ranks with the best thrillers out there. ~ Noble Lizard Publishing.