Minimalism for Regular People
Are you tired of stuff owning your life? Do you feel your life is too cluttered to focus on the things which are important to you? Would you like to simplify your life without going crazy about it? Minimalism for Regular People: How to Simplify Your Life without Going Crazy about It was written for people who want to become minimalists, yet prefer to own more than 100 things or just one couch.
Minimalism Isn’t about Living Like a Monk
The book shares with you numerous examples on how to simplify and find balance in your life without following the dogmatic principles of extreme minimalism that are very difficult to apply for a regular person.
Here’s what you’ll learn from the book:
Do You Want to Live with Just 100 Things?
Who wants to live with just 100 things? Do you want to live with only the bare necessities and cuss every time you realize you only have two plates and three forks?
Life is meant to be enjoyed, and Minimalism for Regular People will teach you how to do it without unnecessary clutter (and zero extreme minimalism dogma).
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